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A Simple Staffing Method for Multi-Skill Call Centers
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, report WS2006-6. Appendix

Real-time dynamic scheduling policies for multiclass call centers with impatient customers
Submitted to Naval Research Logistics, 2007.

Planning and Routing Algorithms for Multi-Skill Contact Centers
Phd. thesis, ISBN-13: 978-90-8659-023-0, 2006.

Simple Methods for Shift Scheduling in Multi-Skill Call Centers
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, report WS2005-10, 2005. Appendix

An Overview of Routing and Staffing Algorithms in Multi-Skill Customer Contact Centers
Submitted, Technical report WS2006-1, 2006.

Approximate Dynamic Programming in Multi-Skill Call Centers
Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 576-583, Florida U.S.A.

A note on profit maximization and monotonicity results for inbound call centers
Operations Research, 2009.

Approximating multi-skill blocking systems by HyperExponential Decomposition
Performance Evaluation, 2006, pages 799-824, volume 63.

Routing Heuristics for Multi-Skill Call Centers
Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 1813-1816, New Orleans U.S.A.

Workload Minimization in Re-entrant Lines
European Journal of Operational Research, pages 216-233, volume 174/1,2006